45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

32. Companies don’t offer pensions anymore.

Companies don’t show the same loyalty that many of the previous generations saw.
-As a millennial coming into the workforce in the mid 2000s I saw coworkers laid off left and right every couple of months until the early 20-teens.
-Companies don’t offer pensions anymore which were a huge motivator for staying with a company.
-Companies don’t invest as much in their employees to continue developing them
-Benefits seem to be cut year after year to maximize profitability of the company. The focus seems to shift more and more towards shareholder value instead of creating and investing in the products and development for the future

Stop telling millennials that they need to take their own career into their hands and then complaining that millennials are a pain to maintain when they do that and leave your company for a new experience at another. Yes, the millennial should not expect things to be handed to them but it should be a cooperative effort. An employee-company relationship is just that, a relationship. You don’t tell your SO to look out for themselves and figure their own shit out.

Millennials have really similar goals to all other generations!! We all want to make things better and improve ourselves, the people around us, and the world as a whole. Quit calling millennials spoiled brats. A lot of millennials are hard workers. Yes, we grew up in a different environment surrounded by more technology but at the core of all of us, humans still have the same dopamine effects as those before us even many generations ago. We all have a deep-rooted tendency towards performing positive acts. (In general as a whole, yes I get there are still crazy and bad people out there. They are the minority.)”


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