45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

30. Let me have the dreams that you had at my age, too.

“Remember those dreams you had when you were my age? Let me have those dreams too, please.”


31. Between the student loans, health insurance, food, clothing, basic necessities I barely have any money left to put away.

“That I just want to live my life without worry.

At 26 I am living at home, working 2 jobs, and trying to save up to move out, but I just can’t do it. Between the student loans, health insurance, food, clothing, basic necessities I barely have any money left to put away. I come home from job 1 and just crash for a couple hours and get up to go to job two and get called lazy for doing so. I have my god damn master’s degree and I feel like a kid who decided to skip college and just coast through life is living a better life than me.

And they wonder why my generation has depression issues.”


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