45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

29. The world does not work the same as it did when you were growing up.

“That the world does not work the same as it did when you were growing up. I am sure the same thing will happen to us when our time comes but please stop giving me advice that could not possibly help me by today’s standards.

Right out of high school I was expected to find a job. I tried. I applied everywhere and was informed I was not actually trying because when you were my age you had 2 jobs. Well I graduated when there were not a lot of jobs at all.

I am still told by the last 2 generations that if I want to get anywhere I NEED to go to school. No I don’t Big companies have been hiring less and less grads. On top of that, the reason it took so long to get a job is cause all the bs menial jobs were taken by people with 2 and 4 year degrees because they couldn’t find a job in their field. Now they flip burgers for min wage and a bunch of debt.

That a lot of us are whiny and entitled because we grew up with you telling us that if we got good grades, we’d go to a good school, and then make a lot of money. But now a lot of us did the first 2 but that second part never happened. (luckily I skip out on this part cause I did not get good grades or could afford to go to a good college)

Overall just understand that the world changed. It is not the same.”


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