45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

26. Nobody ‘works their way through college’ anymore unless they want to take 15 years to get an undergrad degree.

“Just how fucking tough things have gotten for average young people. You don’t get to just walk into a manager’s office and ask for a job; you have to go online and grind through a personality profile and a dozen other processes designed to screen you out before a human being even looks at your application. On-the-job training is dead and buried; companies expect plug-and-play applicants with years of experience and all training paid for out of pocket. Income growth only happens by switching jobs, because nobody can count on regular promotions and raises anymore.

College is ridiculously expensive and time-consuming. Nobody ‘works their way through college’ anymore unless they want to take 15 years to get an undergrad degree. And when you’re finally done and loaded down with debt, if you don’t find a job immediately, everyone ridicules and criticizes you for choosing the ‘wrong’ major.

And dating? Oh my fucking god. Dating is a nightmare.”


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