25 Students Reveal Their High School’s Most Messed Up Scandal

23. A student stabbed a teacher

“A kid once stabbed the teacher at my high school, we weren’t even allowed to talk about it. Needless to say he’s still in prison.” — Funky_Nat

24. My teacher created a sex contract with students

“One of our maths teachers once entered into a “sex contract” with a girl when she turned 16. (Legal age of consent is 16 here.)

However it became evident that he had been talking to her long before she turned 16 and had traded nudes.” — FL-EtcherSKETCH

25. Our school barred a kid just because he had AIDS

“My high school barred Ryan White from attending after he was diagnosed with AIDs.” — Shemptacular Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly Riordan is the author of
Severe(d), A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Pre-order your copy here.

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