25 Students Reveal Their High School’s Most Messed Up Scandal

20. A coach drilled a peep hole into the locker room

“One of the coaches was caught peeping in on the girls’ locker room. Apparently he drilled a hole and everything?” — Chainsawmascara

21. A teacher murdered her adopted babies

“My high school had a few. Apparently the debate teacher had been running something of a drug ring around school for years. The cheerleading coach was sleeping with a few (3) of the football players. And my economics teacher was framed by the Russian government for killing her adopted babies.” — mtnuglet4

22. We had seven bomb threats during one semester

“I went to a big high school (~550 people graduating class) so there were a few.

  • Dean of students (essentially assistant principal; 1 principal and 2 deans) forced into early retirement for possession of CP
  • 7 bomb threats in 1 semester (about 15 total throughout my 4 years)
  • Senior year a girl was busted compiling a list of people who wanted fake IDs (discount for large orders) because she was compiling said list on school computers
  • There was a guy who was involved in a homicide (he wasn’t the killer but definitely an accessory)
  • Last one that comes to mind is the Senior that was dating the band TA, she (student) was 18 at the time so it wasn’t illegal but definitely some hot gossip.” — dirty_hanzo_mains

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