25 Students Reveal Their High School’s Most Messed Up Scandal

16. The lunch lady got caught selling meth

“Lunch lady got caught selling meth to students. My school was in a very white, very conservative, very wealthy town, so it was a huge shock to a lot of people.” — Youareposthuman

17. Two students poisoned a teacher

“Two students used Expo marker cleaning fluid to poison a teacher.

Also, one kid got caught fucking a horse.

Also, the girl who died in a car accident was voted worst driver.” — GlassThunder

18. She shot her own mother because she wanted to have sex

“There was a 16 year old girl at my high school who had a boyfriend who was 18. Apparently they wanted to fuck so she asked her mom if she could have sex. Mom said no. Girl got mad shot her mom in the head while she was watching TV. Then called her boyfriend over to her house. They went up to her room and fucked while the mother was lying dead in the living room.

I don’t know exactly what happened during the conversation between the Mom and daughter that caused her to shoot her mom, but the news article stated that the boyfriend and the girl were arrested at her house. The girl was sent to prison for murder and the boyfriend was charged with statutory rape.” — babosekey

19. I went to school with a professional hitman

“One of the students was a hitman. He ended up going on the run with his girlfriend and baby and got caught a couple years later in another country.” — ToadstoolFairy

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