25 Students Reveal Their High School’s Most Messed Up Scandal

13. He murdered both of his parents

“Little backstory before the incident…

I lived in a neighborhood with a terribly tight curve, during winter months it was truly treacherous. One day I took the corner too quickly and went over the edge of the road and high centered my truck (ford ranger). A kid from high school sees me stuck and pulls over to offer his assistance. He pulls out a collapsible shovel and I use it to dig some dirt from the side of the road, and put it under my back tire for some traction on the icy road. Get truck back up on the road, thank the kid and give him his shovel back.

Roughly a week later, previously mentioned nice kid is tackled at school and arrested by local law enforcement. Apparently his parents disproved of his girlfriend and were kicking him out of the house to live on his own. He suffered from bipolar disorder and murdered both his parents, stuck them in a shed and planned to bury them after school. Law enforcement found his parents after their work had reported both had no call, no showed.

My selfish, asshole high school self was only worried about one thing… ‘Don’t fingerprint the shovel.'” — Eyeliveforthatenergy

14. A teacher was shot in the school parking lot

“The year before I got to my high school, a teacher was shot in the parking lot by her ex-husband. Turns out he had been cheating on her and she ended it which caused him to go into rage mode and shoot her. He’s currently serving life in prison.” — TrentWatts

15. A bus ran toward a group of students

“My high school had all of the usual scandals; nudes being circulated, teacher marrying a former student, etc. It was a big school and shit happened. One day during my junior year, all of us kids were standing outside of the school waiting to board our respective buses. As the buses started to arrive, it suddenly becomes abundantly clear that one of those buses is not stopping. Like this bus is going full speed right towards a group of kids. Luckily the driver turned as quickly as he could and he just grazed a few students who sustained some injuries but nothing even close to fatal, thank god. The bus continued down an access road and had to crash into a wall to stop. There were already some students on the bus from the other campus, but they were free of injury from the crash. The driver was also uninjured.

So as everyone takes a step back to register what just happened, a teacher sees a girl lying in the road not moving. The girl was hit by the bus and was in critical condition. Her leg ended up being amputated and she survived, but it was touch and go for a while. I knew one other kid had a broken foot and a girl I knew had her nose broken, but I think that was the extent of the injuries.

The school launches an investigation into the incident, and just from watching the whole thing play out, it seemed like an obvious case of break failure. This was not the case however, and that bus driver was put through the ringer. He wasn’t drunk or anything, but everyone still blamed him for everything. I think the school ended up getting sued for a couple million dollars. The last time I saw the bus driver he was morbidly obese and completely depressed. They never did prove he had anything to do with the incident, but he was already labeled as a pariah.” — convergence_limit

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