25 Students Reveal Their High School’s Most Messed Up Scandal

4. The vice principal was murdered by her son

“1 – Vice Principal was killed by her own schizophrenic son.

2 – Security Guard caught having intimate relationships with more than one student. Caught in empty class room with female; investigation led to photos and messages between Guard and students.

3 – Obnoxious fat male student is arrested for child molestation. Bully and troublemaker is reported by children/parents for repeated attempts of molestation as Little League Coach. Proven guilty. He was a jerk.” — AdobeShinobi

5. An undercover cop tricked an Autistic kid into buying weed

“The cop specifically preyed on this autistic kid because he knew he would do things for him. The kid, who has always had issues making and keeping friends, was super excited to have one. The cop started working his bullshit and convinced the kid to ask a bunch of people in his school if they could sell him weed. The kid brought the cop a half of a fucking joint from a homeless man and got the cop a bit more one other time then refused to do it again. He just arrested the autistic kid for refusing to get him more weed. He also tried to get the kid to sell him his prescription meds which he only didn’t do because his parents keep them locked up. Absolute scum.” — InternetKingTheKing

6. A man at our school raped disabled children

“Drama Teacher and PE teacher got caught screwing each other on school premises. PE teacher was married and had also previously gotten a media teacher pregnant, also while married. Big hush-hush cover up but everybody found out within a few days, both got instantly suspended and we never heard from them again.

Oh and I obviously couldn’t go without mentioning the paedophile who raped disabled kids 5 odd years ago and a teacher who left the school a few years ago who last year was convicted of 7 counts of sexual assault on underage girls.” — whatsnewblue

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