25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

He never came back.

Casolaro was found in the bath tub, filled with bloody bath water. Authorities ruled that he had committed suicide, by slashing his wrists 12 times. Some of the wounds went down to bone. Additionally, all of Casolaro’s notes and papers were missing. Danny’s brother, Dr. Tony Casolaro and the family wanted an autopsy performed. However one was not, the body was hastily embalmed against the family’s wishes, which is illegal in West Virginia. Prior to his death, Casolaro had told Tony, if anything happened to him don’t believe it. Tony did not find his brother to be suicidal or depressed, but jovial and fun. Danny also complained about receiving numerous prank calls and threats to his personal home. During the funeral in Arlington, Virginia, Dr. Tony Casolaro observed an unknown man dressed in high-ranking formal military attire arrived and was escorted in. The man, wearing sunglasses, did not speak to anyone, but placed a medal on the coffin of Danny Casolaro. He saluted and then left. To this day the man has not been identified. What makes the encounter even stranger is, Danny had no career in the military.

Earlier in 1991, Don Devereux out in Phoenix was reached by a journalist with a fuck ton of information on Charles Morgan. Prior to his death, Casolaro’s investigation had led him into looking into the case of Charles Morgan. Why would he be looking into an almost 20 year old murder in Phoenix, when he was investigating the government in Washington DC? He reached out to Devereux for more information. The two were going to exchange information about the Charles Morgan case, but before Devereux could mail the files – Danny was found dead in the hotel room of an apparent suicide. Devereux said, ‘Of all the ways Danny Casalaro might have committed suicide, slashing his wrists a dozen times is the least likely way he would have done it.’

Six months later, Devereux would confirm that a contract had indeed been placed on him. He reached out to a CIA official and Israeli Informant who confirmed that threats were sent to Devereux. He learned from another journalist that there had been an active hit placed on him, and that Doug Johnston was mistakenly killed. He also learned that a number of other people wanted him (Devereux) dead. To this day none of the murders have been solved.

What made this fascinating to me was just the large scale and seemingly unrelatedness of it all. On Unsolved Mysteries, these all aired as separate segments, until they it became clear they were more closely associated than anyone ever thought.” — Jay_Eye_MBOTH_WHY

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