25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

You see, Don, as it just so happened, lived across the street from the parking lot where Doug Johnston was, let’s call it what it was, murdered. And you know what’s even stranger? Don Devereux’s residence was only one digit in difference from the graphics shop. But beyond that, the perhaps weirdest coincidence was, Devereux’s car. You see Don Devereux drove a Toyota station wagon which would be of no consequence except for the fact that Doug Johnston drove the same kind of car. The cars looked almost identical. Devereux suspected that Doug Johnston’s death wasn’t a suicide, but rather a botched assassination. That the killer was actually targeting investigative journalist Devereux and NOT graphic designer Doug Johnston. Devereux thought it had a tie in with the Charles Morgan case as he was digging deeper into that – he learned Morgan, the case from earlier, was involved with a money laundering operation.

Danny Casolaro was another separate story that aired on Unsolved Mysteries. Danny was a writer based out of Washington D.C. and he was investigating the INSLAW case. INSLAW was a computer company that created PROMIS, a program that was sold to the US government that was a precursor to modern databases, so it databased criminals and criminal activities. There was an exclusivity agreement between INSLAW and the US government, Department of Justice. What ended up happening, allegedly, was copies of PROMIS were distributed to other countries intelligence agencies, breaching the agreement. Additionally, the distributed copies were tampered by the government, again allegedly, to have a keyhole for the CIA, so they could access the distributed copies and spy on other foreign governments. The weird part is that the contract between the US and INSLAW ended in 1982. But that didn’t stop copies of PROMIS showing up around the world.

Well the DOJ made a run at trying to bankrupt INSLAW and drive the creators out of business. The whole thing ended up implicating a lot of government officials and possibly even a Presidential campaign. The INSLAW affair touched on a lot of issues, possibly even going into Iran-Contra. Numerous people have disappeared in relation to INSLAW. Casolaro was heavily investigating the INSLAW affair and particularly how it tied in with other shady misdoings. Casolaro called it “The Octopus” where in a clandestine government organization was involved with numerous criminal enterprises. According to Elliot Richardson, the attorney representing the INSLAW company creator (Bill Hamilton) – Casolaro had told him he was very close to tying everything together. Richardson, formerly was the Attorney General under the Nixon administration, who resigned when Nixon wanted him to fire the prosecutor leading the Watergate investigation. Richardson by all accounts was the most clean and well regarded individual involved. Casolaro told Richardson he was going to meet his source in West Virginia for more information that would conclude everything.

Danny went to the hotel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia in August 1991.

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