25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

8. What happened to Charles Morgan?

“I got onto an Unsolved Mysteries binge a couple years ago (the episodes were taken down). One of the stories was about this dude named Charles Morgan. His story took place in the 70s in Phoenix, AZ. He was a businessman running an escrow company & involved with some shady shit, money laundering allegedly – he turned up at his wife’s after a period of going missing. He informed her he couldn’t speak, that he was tortured, and had hallucinogens painted on his throat. As he recovered he informed her he was working as an agent for the federal government, fighting crime. He went super paranoid and left to visit his Father, explaining if anything happened there was a letter that would explain everything. He went missing the next day. Nine days later, Chuck’s wife, Ruth, received a call from a woman calling herself ‘Green Eyes’ who said Chuck was okay and referenced a Bible verse: Ecclesiastes 12:1-8, before hanging up. Out in the desert, a few days later his car and body were found. The police ruled it as a suicide, but Morgan was found wearing a bullet proof vest. Why would a man wearing a bullet proof vest kill himself? They also found his tooth wrapped in a hankerchief in the car, a $2 dollar bill with some notes written on it, and his gun. One of the notes written on the bill was ‘Ecclesiastes 12.’

While the police viewed it as a suicide, his wife and family thought something was suspicious and not adding up. So did investigative journalist, Don Devereux who was operating in the area. Devereux was writing and forming pieces against the mob in Phoenix. He took an interest in the Charles Morgan case and began investigating. This would eventually come to a head with a man named Doug Johnston and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Doug Johnston’s story was another featured in Unsolved Mysteries. In 1990, Doug Johnston was going through his regular morning routine. He got in his car and left for work at a graphics company. An hour later he was found dead in his car. Apparently he had shot himself in the back of the head, behind the left ear inside his vehicle, committing suicide – after parking his car at the city parking lot near his place of work. The strangeness of this was, Johnston was in fact right handed. Additionally, no gun, nor gun shot residue was found on Johnston. The suicide itself resembled a professional execution. But by all accounts, Doug Johnston himself, did not have a lot of enemies – certainly none that would exact a murder against him. Where this takes an eerie turn is there was a man who did have a lot of enemies, a man who prodded the Phoenix mob and was investigating the Charles Morgan case – and that man was Don Devereux.

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