25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

6. What was actually seen during The Westall UFO Landing?

“During recess, hundreds of students and dozens of teachers witness a disc-shaped object, twice the size of a family car, fly over their school then descend in a nearby field. After 20 minutes on the ground, the craft reportedly ascends and flies off at incredible speed.

The former students, now adults, reported the presence of military personnel and unknown government officials at the school and the field where the UFO landed.

Officially, the Royal Australian Air Force claims they had no aircraft in the area at the time and a nearby civilian air field also reported no aircraft in the vicinity at the time. The best explanation, from the Australian Skeptics, is that the students and teachers saw an experimental military aircraft.” — Chicken_Burp

7. What happened to the missing man in my hometown?

“There was a guy in my hometown who went missing. Many years later, someone spots him at a McDonalds in Kentucky. When approached about why he went missing, guy bolts out of the restaurant without getting his order and is never seen again. He was in no trouble with the law as far as the investigators can tell.” — USSRguy

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