25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

3. Who killed thirty women in Texas?

“This one is small and local but I live a few miles away from the Texas city killing fields. Since the 70s, 30 female bodies were recovered in fields following an interstate highway. No convicted murderer. It bothers me knowing all those people were just dumped like garbage.” — mustardcorndog69

4. What happened to Jeanette DePalma?

“The unsolved murder of Jeanette DePalma in the 1970’s. Supposedly her body was discovered surrounded by crude objects resembling crosses, leading many to speculate sacrifice by witches or satanists. However, it later seemed as though no two officers on the scene could seem to agree on what was actually found there.

Everything else about the case just feels “off” as well. First you had her parents’ detached, almost nonchalant reaction to the discovery of her body; then you had all the vague, contradictory descriptions of her character by family and peers.

The story dominated the news for several weeks, only to abruptly disappear from mention.

Even now, there are people in her town reluctant to discuss the event.” — leodragon39

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