25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

2. What happened to the girl in my HS who was murdered?

“Not so much a fascination as just wanted it to be solved and for the family to see justice. I went to school with a girl named Brittany Philips. Very sweet girl, everyone liked her. Smart. Funny. Pretty. After high school we lived in nearby apartment complexes. She was MIA for a few days until her friend discovered her dead, no forced entry, in her apartment. This was 13 years ago and they still haven’t solved it. Her Mother has dedicated her life to what she calls her ‘Caravan to Catch a Killer.’ She has vinyls covering her car with Brittany’s pictures and pertinent details of the murder listed. She travels all over the US handing out flyers and talking to strangers, hoping someone, somewhere, will see a link, or have heard someone say something that will find who did this. Over the years, we’ve watched her mourn, fight, save, spend, and never ever give up hope that she make eye contact with the man who murdered her baby.

Aside from knowing Brittany before she passed away, I was also having apartment troubles at the time she was murdered. I called the police several times because I would come home from work to my apartment having been used by someone else- banana peels in the trash when I never bought any, dishes in the dishwasher that I didn’t wash, the patio door unlocked and cracked open, underwear and other clothing turning up missing (I lived by myself) My front door was locked when I came home every single time. The police thought I was a bitter until I received a phone bill for $500. Someone had been coming in my apartment while I was working and using my phone to call 1-900 numbers to have themselves some sexy chats.

I’ve always wondered if it was possible that the person coming into my home had been doing the same to Brittany, if maybe it was the same person altogether, if maybe she caught him there so he did what he did in the spur of the moment, or maybe it was all planned. Either way, I feel like it was someone who worked maintenance for one or both of the complexes.” — Alliekat1282

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