25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

23. What happened to the MH370?

“MH370 – the fact in this day and age we can lose a airplane carrying 239 people and have absolutely no idea what happened to it or where it ended up baffles me. They found a piece of its wing that washed up on the beach in Madagascar but that’s all.. so they know it’s crashed but there’s still so many questions that will probably forever go unknown.” — aperture81

24. What happened to my doppelganger?

“There is an unsolved kidnapping of a child that has the same name as me, was born one day earlier, and whose friend was called “Kevin” by the police – the name of my best friend.

I know it’s just a coincidence, but still… It’s weird to think about.” — Kuchenjaeger

25. Why did people disappear in the mountains?

“The astounding number of people who disappeared in the mountains / national parks and are later found dead, miles away from where they went missing… And (that’s the part that is bugging me the most;) without their shoes.” — Kvltofu Thought Catalog Logo Mark 

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