25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

20. What happened to the Springfield Three?

“The Springfield Three. Two girls went to a party, then went to one of the girl’s mother’s house. Next morning they were nowhere to be seen, and were never found.

To clarify, two girls were staying with one of their mothers, and all 3 were missing the next morning.” — urchigold

21. What happened to the boy who broke down?

“The one where that poor boys car breaks down so while he’s talking to his parents on the phone his call suddenly drops and they never find his body.” — Ladybugsrred

22. What happened on the Mary Celeste?

“That ship from 1842 that left port normally with its crew and cargo and was later found in the ocean completely abandoned. The crew completely vanished.” — PagliacciGrim

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