25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

18. What happened to my dad’s best friend?

“My dad’s dad had a friend who he would always go fishing with. They hunted, owned horses, and were best friends. Then one day his friend just disappeared out of nowhere. No leads to anything. Everything seemed okay, no debt, paid off house, no enemies, nothing was taken or moved from his house too, like he just got up and left. It’s been almost 20 years and no one knows what happened to him. Really interesting…” — L000000000000L

19. What happened during the Yogurt Shop Murders?

“The Yogurt Shop Murders in Austin Texas. 4 girls, 2 part time yogurt shop employees, other 2 younger sister and friend were ambushed closing down a yogurt shop. Bodies found killed execution style, some signs of sexual abuse, shop in flames when police arrived. Killers have never been found and it’s in a very popular strip mall in Austin.” — Walkerbait97

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