25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

16. Where the hell is Robert Fisher?

“He killed his entire family then successfully dipped out without ever being caught.” — novababyy__

17. Why did Napoleon got freaked out by the pyramids?

“Holy shit, this is my favorite historical mystery of all time. Early in Napoleon’s military career he led an invasion force into Egypt. While touring inside a pyramid, he asked to be left alone for a while. When his entourage returned, he was completely pale and looking to be in shock. He did not explain why and demanded that they never mention it again. At the very end of his life he started to finally tell someone what happened, but then stopped himself, explaining that the story wouldn’t be believed anyway. He died without revealing the truth, and unless some unknown diary is uncovered we will never know.

My personal favorite theory is that he saw a vision of Alexander the Great, who had previously led an invasion of Egypt and would serve as a model for much of Napoleon’s career.” — MKorostoff

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