25 People On The One Unsolved Mystery They Wish They Had More Answers About

14. Who murdered eleven women in New Mexico?

“In 2009 the skeletal remains of 11 woman were found in a mass grave on the outskirts of Albuquerque, NM. Many of the woman were identified as runaways and prostitutes but many others were never identified.

It is confirmed that the killings were the work of a serial killer that was active between 2001 and 2005 and never caught. There are suspects- but nothing concrete. I always found it strange how there is so little media coverage of this considering it is an active serial killer.

I live a couple miles away from where the bodies were found and it is always a little creepy- knowing I’ve likely met the killer. Or perhaps I even work with him.” — Myhandsunclean

15. What object did I see in the sky?

“On my way home from a trip to Arizona, I saw this absolutely gigantic burning object in the sky. It looked like jumbo jet or something. I had no idea what it was and if not for my husband and our other relatives in the car also seeing it, I probably would have passed it off as being tired. But the thing flew down from the sky and “landed” behind some hills probably a few miles from the freeway. I say landed, but I don’t really know since we didn’t see an explosion, fire, smoke, or anything after it went behind the hills.

We checked the news and stuff for the next couple weeks and never heard anything. If it was a plane, I assume there would have been a big deal about it since our area is usually pretty boring, and if it were a meteorite, we would be dead cause of the sheer size.

To this day I can’t really wrap my head around it.” — Huuballawick

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