17 Bachelor Parties That Got WAY Out Of Control

13. Cops eventually showed up in riot gear.

“We threw a bachelor party and ordered some strippers. By the time they showed up the party was well under way and had maybe 40-50 people all pretty trashed. The girls show up and start doing their thing, and because there’s so many people they’re making pretty good $$$.

After an hour or two the cops show up because the party is getting too big and spilling onto the sidewalk. Girls are still inside grinding on each other. Someone in the party decides to throw a rock in the general direction of maybe 3 squad cars. Rock lands on a random car, smashing the windshield. Cops see this, get in their cars, and leave.

Maybe 5-10 minutes later, the cops return in force. Full on riot gear. K9 units. They are not fucking around. The bachelor knows one of the K9 units and approaches him to try and buy us some time. I will never forget the image of my buddy, standing in front of a K9 cop backed up by ~8 cops in riot gear.

We cut the music, thanked the girls and sent them out the back door, and gathered everyone inside. I’d never shut down a party so quickly before. The cops marched through, banging on their riot shields, then left.

tl;dr: Someone threw a rock at the police during a bachelor party and they came back in riot gear to shut it down.”


14. The groom wound up getting stabbed.

“I got the ‘groom to be’ stabbed.

Not directly of course, but my (drunken) action set off a chain of events that ended up with several people stabbed. We’re in a converted school bus driving around from pub to pub, drinking the whole time. While we’re driving down the main club strip, we spot the bachelorette party standing in line for a club. We should have just passed like ships in the night, but the drunk groom insists on stopping and saying hi.

We all get out and talk with the girls for a while, and then start heading back to the bus to continue on our way. At this point I notice my wallet’s missing. One thing leads to another and my cousin and I end up asking a group of guys if they saw anything. They take it the wrong way and the ringleader (who was high on PCP) starts throwing hay makers and takes out both of us.

Blah blah blah…their group and our guys end up in a parking lot nearby where the ringleader retrieves a knife from his car and starts stabbing people.

Long story short, no one required anything but a few stitches, but there were plenty of black eyes and limited movement at the wedding.

Also one of the guys found my wallet a couple days later. It was his backpack. I had given it to him for safekeeping and both of us blacked out about it.

In answer to the original question, I don’t regret anything. I feel a little responsible for the situation, but I feel the vast majority of the burden of responsibility falls on the high off his mind drug dealer. That together with the fact that nobody got seriously hurt, and that it makes for a legendary story we all tell.”


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