17 Bachelor Parties That Got WAY Out Of Control

Found on AskReddit.

1. The groom tried jumping into a pool from a second-floor balcony and broke his neck.

“Former work mate as at one where they had a stag do in Spain. After a heavy day and night of drinking on getting back to the hotel they got to daring each other to jump into the pool from their 2nd floor balcony. Groom to be completely fucked it up and hit the edge of the pool with his head breaking his neck. Didn’t kill him but now has no feeling below his upper shoulders.

Nice start to married life making yourself a paraplegic.”


2. They chained the groom-to-be naked to a tree in front of his in-laws-to-be’s house and then left him there.

“My dad likes to tell the story of a bachelor party a friend of his had where they chained the groom-to-be naked to a tree in front of his in-laws-to-be’s house and then left him there. He had been passed out drunk, and the future in-laws got woken up by his horrified screaming at 6 AM. The wedding still went off a few hours later.”


3. He and his friends got the bachelor passed-out drunk and put him on a train.

“My grandfather used to tell a story about how he and his friends got the bachelor passed-out drunk and put him on a train. This would have been in Ohio in the 1930s. Apparently the guy made it back for the wedding, but barely.”


4. He accidentally touched a stripper’s asshole at his bachelor party, ended up sleeping with her, and later found out he had contracted herpes.

“A friend of mine once told me about a guy she knew who accidentally touched a stripper’s asshole at his bachelor party, ended up sleeping with her, and later found out he had contracted herpes.

We were mostly caught up on how one accidentally touches someone’s asshole.”


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