19 Real Things That Are Creepier And More Terrifying Than Any Horror Movie

16. Humans.

“Humans. Humans are scarier than any other thing found in nature. We invent nuclear weapons, we engineer diseases to kill each other, we murder, rape, pillage, we overexploit the planet, we torture its animals, we go postal and shoot our coworkers, we beat our children, we kill and torment each other in creatively hideous ways, and then we watch all that kind of shit on TV, read about it on the internet and in books & papers, write popular songs about it, all willingly. Willingly, we do these things to each other and the world we live in, and all the while we know better.

Human beings are fucking horrifying.”


17. Nuclear weapons.

“Nuclear weapons.

As a species we have managed to build and stockpile something that can eradicate us. Other things exist beyond our control, created by nature and we have to find ways to counteract them. But the fact that we chose to use our intellect to create something that can devastate our own kind is terrifying.

I’m also worried about the stockpiling of cyberweapons that I am certain is going on in every major country from China to Germany to the US. Eventually one of these things is going to get out and wreak havoc on some critical financial, satellite, or energy infrastructure.”


18. Mortality.

“Every day you wake up one day closer to dying.

Everything you love could be consumed in a fire.

You could have the genetic potential for a debilitating disease and never know until it strikes you down.

A brain injury could make you a completely different person.”


19. Sea creatures.

“A lot of creepy ass creatures in the sea. Goblin sharks and such that are living nightmares. We don’t even know the full depth of the terrors under the sea either. There could be humanoid fish down there as well. Not like cute mermaids but real freaks of nature. The sea is home to many horrifying creatures that could easily be mistaken for true demons.”

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