19 Real Things That Are Creepier And More Terrifying Than Any Horror Movie

9. Alzheimer’s.

“It can really seem like a horror movie at times. I have a relative who has Alzheimer’s. My cousin takes care of her and she told me one of the most unsettling stories I’ve ever heard:

Alzheimer’s relative walked into a room in her own house. She comes back into the living room telling my cousin how scared and frightened she is. My cousin asks what happened. Relative says she’s afraid of ‘the woman’ in her room.

The ‘woman’ was her own reflection in the mirror all along.”


10. ALS.

“I’d have to say the opposite of Alzheimer’s—ALS. You lose all bodily function but maintain your brain. You are essentially a prisoner in your own body while you watch everyone around you watch. My grandpa had it and within months was speaking to me by pointing to letters on a board using a straw in his month. Lost that last point of communication after a month where he would just stare.”


11. Dementia.

“My elderly cousins Joe and Bette lived in a nursing home in a small town. Bette passed away. Joe had dementia. Every morning he’d wake up and see Bette wasn’t beside him. He’d search around the whole nursing home asking everyone he saw if they had seen his wife, then eventually someone would tell him she died, and he’d break down crying, essentially reliving his wife’s death everyday for the rest of his life. He died only a few months later, perhaps for the best considering his situation.”


12. The unknown and ‘extinct’ diseases buried in the permafrost.

“The unknown and “extinct” diseases buried in the permafrost (which is melting and releasing them). The fact that the areas where these diseases are buried is increasingly disturbed as the climate warming makes the areas accessible to mining and so on 😳”


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