16 People Share Real-Life Encounters With Notorious Serial Killers


Ronald Dominique (Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Department)

“My cousin is the Bayou Strangler, Ronald Dominique.

He killed over 23 people but the world didn’t really care because they were poor, gay men. Especially in the deep rural south we still have a lot of homophobic people out here so it just wasn’t cared about that much.

There’s so much to the story it’s hard to explain everything but just know he was in a vicious cycle of abuse. He grew up destined to be fucked up basically. Doesn’t excuse what he did though and my heart goes out to the families of the victims.

Lord have mercy that’s a long story and really I don’t want to “out” too much of the family history. But my dad who grew up next door to him growing up (very common for family members to buy houses next to each other down here) said he witnessed a lot of abuse and starvation and simply WEIRD practices going on in their house. Things like the parents eating steak for supper and the kids getting one half of a hotdog weenie each. The kids would ask people for food often.

Then the mom was caught sleeping with her own brother. The dad found out about this and told all the kids that their mom was sleeping wth her brother etc… I haven’t heard this story in a long time and these details might be somewhat wrong but they had a camper in the middle of the woods? Or somewhere remote? And the dad found out that’s where his wife was meeting her brother for sex and he took the kids out there one night to “catch her in the act” cause a big scene etc…

The kids are all fucked up like none of them are normal. It was his own sister who helped to turn him in though. I think that sister is the most normal. One of the brothers was a petty criminal for a while but according to his daughter he has turned his life around ever since Ronald got caught.

Oh the other brother is a rapist who raped a girl like every year at the local fair. Literally he raped a girl at the fair, went to jail. Got out two years later. Went to the fair that year, raped another girl. Got out in 6 years. The year he got out he went back to the fair and raped another girl. Went back to jail. I think he’s still there now. It’s a long running family ‘joke’ that after they let him out they need to just put him in a jail cell the week of the fair cause he never raped anyone that we know of any other time.”



John Edward Robinson (Cicero Police Department)

John Edward Robinson lived across the street from me. I used to play with his kids.

Synopsis of this piece of shit: JER started his criminal career as a fraudster. He ran scams, and was good at it. He operated under the guise of a successful entrepreneur and businessman. He started killing younger women and cleaning out their bank accounts. His slimiest tactic, IMHO, was killing a woman, abducting her child and then “arranging” the adoption of the child to his brother.

Yes, that’s right. Her mother’s murderer became her uncle.

Eventually, Robinson got caught for fraud and spent some time in prison. When he got out, he started killing again. That’s when he got nailed for murder.”


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