16 Gut-Wrenching Murder Cases That Remain Unsolved To This Day

16. The Murder of Linda Schufedt and Ashley Mylett

via thebridgewatertriangle

“One that not many people know about is the murder of Linda Schufedt and Ashley Mylett. The murder itself was unsettling enough, especially as the killer was never caught. The really creepy thing was that the murder took place in the Bridgewater Triangle (in Massachusetts) which is notorious for all sorts of weirdness such as UFOs, bigfoot, restless Native American spirits, and animal mutilations. Oh, and this happened back in 2015. Whoever did this is probably still running around and not long dead like Jack the Ripper.”

The man who discovered the bodies of Schufedt and Mylett provided the following statement on what he saw:

BROCKTON – A 27-year-old Brockton man was walking through the woods behind his North Quincy Street home Sunday afternoon when he saw something out of place.

I was cutting a path so I can walk the dog and I go hunting out here,” said Peter, who asked that his last name be withheld because of the gruesomeness of the incident.

“I saw something pink. I thought it was a dead animal because there’s a lot of poaching back here or maybe insulation because it was pink and lot of people dump trash back here.”

What he saw when he looked closer shocked him. It was the dismembered body parts of a woman – a foot, a calf, part of an arm – that were cleanly cut and had appeared to have been put there recently.

Officials announced Monday that the gruesome discovery was the remains of two people that had been placed on top of one another. One set of remains had been there significantly longer than the other.

Peter walked out into the woods with an Enterprise reporter and photographer Tuesday to where he made the discovery. He showed three photos on his cell phone he took Sunday of some of the body parts.

The Enterprise obtained one of the photos and is withholding the image because of its graphic nature. He pointed to a wet part of the ground surrounded by briar patches, downed tree branches and a stone wall about 50 yards away from his backyard Tuesday morning.

“When I saw it, I didn’t want to stay around here that long because there was no rot to it. It was all chopped up, you could see the limbs, how nice and neat they were cut,” Peter said. “The guy that put it there put a fold-up chair on it and then put a bunch of wood on it so you can’t see it from the main path.”

“All I know is I didn’t want to touch anything. I went in the house and told my sister and I dialed 911,” he said.

BaronVonRuthless91 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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