41 Of The Absolute WORST Ways To Break Up With Someone

40. As they drive away from the property you just vacated in the moving van containing all of your worldly possessions.

“Letting you know it’s over as they drive away from the property you just vacated in the moving van containing all of your worldly possessions. Literally left me homeless, penniless, with only the shirt on my back. If you’re still alive, fuck you Alex.”


41. Burn them a CD of breakup songs.

“A high-school girlfriend broke up with me via CD, she burned breakup/I’m better off without you style songs on to it and gave it to me after school. 16-year-old me was devastated, 27-year-old me knows it’s the weirdest breakup story I’ll ever have.”

BaconEggSanga Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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