41 Of The Absolute WORST Ways To Break Up With Someone

29. Change your relationship status on Facebook to single.

“My ex thought the first step was to change his relationship status on Facebook to single. Then tell me that he was breaking up with me….We were together for almost two years.”


30. After they drove 7 hours to see you and have nowhere else to go but drive the 7 hours back.

“Break up with them after they drove 7 hours to see you and have nowhere else to go but drive the 7 hours back.”


31. Suddenly with no explanation.

“Suddenly with no explanation. Can really get into your head, making you question every interaction trying to come up with a reason, blaming yourself, blaming them, being sad and angry while trying to put it behind you.”


32. Tell their mother over your regular Sunday brunch and continue the tradition after the breakup.

“Tell their mother over your regular Sunday brunch and continue the tradition after the breakup.”


33. ‘It’s just not great and I don’t want to settle.’

“‘There was nothing wrong, everything was good and you’re a good guy. It’s just not great and I don’t want to settle.’

You’d think it wouldn’t be so bad but I recently went through this and it still drives me absolutely insane thinking about it. Completely out of the blue, no warning signs until it was already happening. Everything was going fine. I don’t know if she thought it would be easier than just saying it’s not working out, but I honestly wish she had given a legit reason or something so I would actually have an explanation. Say it’s something about me, or something about you, anything other than ‘no reason you’re good just think I can do better.’ I guess if you’re not feeling it then that’s all that matters but there has to be some reason for that. Now I’m just heartbroken with a million questions and no answers.”


34. Disengage so slowly that they get frustrated and break up with you instead.

“Quietly, over the course of months, disengage from the relationship. Don’t tell your partner what’s wrong, just…stop loving them. Wait until they’re finally so upset that you’ve checked out that they break up with you.”


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