41 Of The Absolute WORST Ways To Break Up With Someone

11. While they’re going through cancer treatment…or via fax…maybe both.

“Newt Gingrich broke up with his wife while she was going through cancer treatment.

Phil Collins faxed his wife telling her that their marriage was over.”


12. After your grandmother’s funeral because you got depressed.

“My ex broke up with me after my grandmother’s funeral because I got depressed.

‘I don’t think this will work if you are sad like this’ —Her”


13. Have your best friend text them.

“One time someone broke up with me through text. Except they didn’t do it themselves, their BEST FRIEND did it. The text was something like this: ‘Yo. This is Caesar and _____ don’t want you no more.’”


14. Over text while at work—and you work at the same company.

“My husband broke up with me over a text. A TEXT. While I was at work. We work for the same company…………”


15. Mid-coitus.



16. Go in their trunk and replace their spare tire with a note, then release the air in their back left tire.

“Go in their trunk and replace their spare tire with a note, then release the air in their back left tire.”


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