41 Of The Absolute WORST Ways To Break Up With Someone

Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz
Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz
Found on AskReddit.

1. On Valentine’s Day in a Valentine’s card.

“I was dumped on Valentine’s Day in a Valentine’s card :(”


2. Send them a picture of yourself with another dude’s dick inside you.

“Send them a picture of yourself with another dude’s dick inside you. I’m still kinda upset over that one.”


3. By text on their birthday on the same day as their mother and father dies.

“By text on their birthday on the same day as their mother and father dies and you reveal you were cheating on her with her best friend for the past 5 years.”


4. Lie about having cancer.

“Lie about having cancer. Break up.

Then say you are in remission and get back together.

Then cheat.

This actually happened to me in high school.”


5. Break up via phone call and keep the ring.

“Break off an engagement via phone call, while 200 miles away, at home, with your family, while I’m back in our college town, freshly graduated, still searching for a job. Oh, keep the ring too while you’re at it.”


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