Here’s The Creepiest Wikipedia Article From Every State

New Mexico

Roswell UFO incident


In 1947, unidentified objects fell from the sky to the ground in Roswell, New Mexico. A number of contradictory reports came from the government, and many skeptics doubted when the US Government finally claimed the debris were a “weather ballon.” Some witnesses to the crash site claim to have seen non-human bodies, and the event remains an extremely mysterious one in UFO lore.


Between 1978 and the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Stanton T. Friedman, William Moore, Karl T. Pflock, and the team of Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt interviewed several hundred people who claimed to have had a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, along with other documents such as Majestic 12 that were supposedly leaked by insiders. Their conclusions were at least one alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, alien bodies had been recovered, and a government cover-up of the incident had taken place. (KEEP READING)

New York

Long Island serial killer

Police Sketch
Police Sketch

Over the last ten years, police have began to suspect a New York serial killer who has been dumping bodies alongside Ocean Parkway. Many of his/her victims have been prostitutes who advertised their services on Craigslist. He remains at-large.


In December 2010, a police officer and his dog on a routine training exercise discovered the first body – “the skeletal remains of a woman in a nearly disintegrated burlap sack”. This discovery led to three more bodies being found two days later in the same area on the north side of the Ocean Parkway. Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said “Four bodies found in the same location pretty much speaks for itself. It’s more than a coincidence. We could have a serial killer.” (KEEP READING)

North Carolina

Carroll A. Deering (ship)


In 1921, this ship was found run aground on shore. Even more strangely, however, the entire crew was gone. The ship’s log, navigation equipment, and lifeboats were all missing as well. None of the crew were ever found.


Paranormal Explanation: The disappearance of the ship’s crew has been cited by innumerable authors dealing with anomalous phenomena and the supernatural.Charles Fort, in his book Lo! (1931), first mentioned this vessel in a “mysterious” context, and many subsequent chroniclers of sea mysteries have followed suit. Since this vessel sailed in the area generally considered to be part of the so-called Bermuda Triangle, the disappearance of the crew has often been tied to this fact. (KEEP READING)

North Dakota

Sophia Eberlein

Husband Jacob Bentz
Husband Jacob Bentz

For some reason, Sophia Eberlein’s new husband Jacob Bentz decided to beat her to death as she slept. He almost got away with it, except Eberlein’s daughter noticed the blood stains.


She married Hugo Eberlein, a well-known Harvey businessman, and had two daughters, Lillian and Alice. After Hugo’s death in 1928, Sophia married Bentz. One night Bentz bludgeoned Sophia to death while she slept. He did his best to clean up the scene of the crime and tried to make Sophie’s death look like a car accident. (KEEP READING)


Cleveland Torso Murderer


In the 1930s, a serial killer ran rampant in Cleveland, Ohio, killing and brutality mutilating at least twelve victims. While this killer — never caught — is almost assuredly dead now, the descriptions of his crimes are terrifying:


The Torso Murderer always beheaded and often dismembered his victims, sometimes also cutting the torso in half; in many cases the cause of death was the decapitation itself. Most of the male victims were castrated, and some victims showed evidence of chemical treatment being applied to their bodies. Many of the victims were found after a considerable period of time following their deaths, sometimes a year or more. This made identification nearly impossible, especially since the heads were often not found. (KEEP READING)

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