Mysteries Of The Male Body: 24 Women Ask The Questions They’ve Been Dying To Ask

"Why are some guys' butt cheeks bare and some hairy?"


Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz / lookcatalog
Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz / lookcatalog
Found on AskReddit.

1. Why are some guys’ butt cheeks bare and some hairy?

“Why are some guys’ butt cheeks bare and some hairy? Like pants made of body hair.”


2. Can you feel shit while fucking a girl in a vagina if she hadn’t had a bowel movement?

“Can you feel shit while fucking a girl in a vagina if she hadn’t had a bowel movement?”


3. Why doesn’t it hurt when your balls slap against our ass during sex?

“Why doesn’t it hurt your balls to slap against the recipient during sex? Like if you barely touch balls sometimes you guys cry out but during sex? They slap against your partner pretty hard and no one complains.”


4. How do you ride a bicycle without crushing your ball sac?

“How do you ride a bicycle without crushing your ball sac?”


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