29 Truly Unsettling Tales Of The Paranormal That Will Absolutely Scare The Hell Out Of You

26. Saved From Beyond

When I was 9 my sister was hit and killed by a car. This happened right up the road from where we lived– two houses up, to be exact. About a year after her death I was walking across the street, two houses up, when I heard my name yelled, very loudly. I stopped and looked behind me. No one was there. When I turned around there was a car in front of me. It was passing me and the woman driving clearly did not see me. She was looking at the radio. She drove past me and I finished crossing the street. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I hadn’t stopped I would’ve been hit by her. I looked and never saw anyone outside or at a window. Never figured out who it was who yelled my name.

27. The Pregnancy

When my daughter was around a year and a half, almost 2ish, my sister in law was pregnant.

One night my husband and I are going through the bedtime routine with our daughter, singing silly songs, reading books, etc. When out of the blue she looks up toward the ceiling and says “Hi baby!” And starts waving. She giggles a little. Then waves again this time saying “Bye bye baby!” Then goes back to what she was doing like nothing happened.

The next morning my sister in law calls asking if we can take her to the ER. She had a miscarriage.

28. A Creature Climbing The Wall

Wasn’t going to post about this because it makes it that much more real, but it’s probably for the best instead of trying to deny it.

When I was a young child, me and my family moved around a lot (Coast Guard). We always drove, so we stayed in a lot of hotels. Practically every time I stayed in a hotel, after my family had fallen asleep, I would see a creature moving back and forth between the walls and the ceiling. The creature looked like a spider monkey, with its tail curled around its body. It moved back and forth not smoothly but in small jolts, almost like what you see while using a flip book. I was a bit intimidated by it, but was never stricken with fear. I saw it from as young as I can remember until about age 10. After that it just stopped.

My rational adult mind tells me that my imagination as a child ran wild. I tell myself that I expected to see the creature, and that’s why I did so often. In the back of my head, I know what I saw.

29. A Woman In A White Dress. He Is Afraid Of Her

So I grew up in a two family house for the first ten years of my life. My best friend lived upstairs and after my family had sold our part of the house to another family and moved I’d often visit him. One time when visiting, I saw the woman who bought our part of the house and currently lived there at the time. We make small talk and then she asks me if I remember seeing a woman in my room. I tell her no and she tells me that my parents told her about me complaining about a woman in a white dress by my bed when I was a kid. According to her my parents mentioned it when selling the house. She also tells me that her son is now seeing the woman and that he is afraid of her. I disregard it and sleep uneasily that night. The next morning I ask my parents about it and they completely ignore it. They don’t say its true or untrue, they just say nothing. I’m not sure to this day what happened for sure but I hope the lady that lived in my old house then was joking… Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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