29 Haunted House Workers On The Truly Terrifying Things That Have Happened On The Job

Emo Labs, Tony Ciampa
Emo Labs, Tony Ciampa

1. I sent a woman into a full blown seizure

I gave a girl a seizure one time. That night, I was standing in a hallway dressed like an insane asylum inmate with gouged out eyes, and I had a little buzzer in my hand I could press to make the hall’s strobe lights buzz and a long sound go off. I pressed the buzzer as a woman entered with her boyfriend, and at first I thought she was shaking with fear. Nope, seizure. I broke character and escorted them out the secret door and flagged down a manager. I’m sure seeing a creepy chick with gouged out eyes trying to lead you somewhere was alarming for the couple. I’m not sure what happened after the ambulance came but I heard she was on drugs, and the company I was working for didn’t get sued, so I assume/hope she’s fine.

2. An actor accidentally hung himself

When I was training for my EMT I had to do a shift in the emergency room, just watching, maybe helping do some simple stuff. I picked the night before Halloween. It turned out to be a sad night. I was 18 years old and they brought in a 16 or 17 year old kid that they had stabilized in the ambulance. He was working at one of the local scare place posing as someone who was being hanged. He fell with a rope around his neck and actually hung himself. I remember seeing the x-rays and you could see where there was a gap between vertebra. The doctor just pointed to it and said he could not tell how bad it was but he might have become a paraplegic that night. I hope to God he got better.


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