29 Truly Unsettling Tales Of The Paranormal That Will Absolutely Scare The Hell Out Of You

13. A Warning In A Dream

Wish I could make this up.

Think I was about 13 or 14 and I had a room in the basement. Not super relevant, but the house was old (1900ish), no AC of any kind and creepy as all get out. Had the window open (ceiling level inside, ground level outside) with a screen put in. Bed facing the window.

Had a scary dream that someone who was wearing a headmask had a knife and was trying to kill me. All I remember now (and from what I journaled), is that he was chasing me in some silly zigzag pattern. Woke up abruptly to see someone looking at me through my window. Screamed my lungs out and he vanished (most likely ran away).

Parents woke up and came down. Skeptical dad said I was probably dreaming until he noticed the window had been pried. Took the maglight and the colt 45 (not being dramatic, just reading my notes here), and went out side. Turns out there were prints or something there and he had left some tools, as well as the gate door was wide open. Promptly the police were called.

14. Shadow Person

My family just moved into a dormitory house (graduate student housing for families), and since we were all jet-lagged after flying across the Pacific, we all went to bed early. I slept with my brother and sister in one room and my parents in the master bedroom down the hall.

I woke up around 4 or 5 in the morning to the sounds of snoring from my parents’ room. My siblings were sleeping soundly next to me. I was wide awake for some reason and swept my eyes around the room. Suddenly there was a shape that seemed like a human male wrapped in a cloak, standing next to the window. I couldn’t believe my eyes, and I distinctively remember trying to make sure that it wasn’t my dad (he was still snoring). The figure then turned around to face me, and I tried to look into its face, but it was just a deep, black hole. I wasn’t exactly scared, just weirded out. Thankfully, the figure disappeared as sunlight came in.

15. A Father Makes A Request

When I was very young, we lived in a house that had the usual “ghost” activity- hearing footsteps, hushed voices in the next room, etc. But the really cool thing was the basement door. It would open on its own, I’m not talking open an inch or two when you closed another door nearby, I mean it would swing fully open like someone was walking through it. My parents tried locking the door and it would still swing open on its own.

By the time I was learning to walk, my dad was concerned I would fall down the steps, so he went down into the basement and just said, to no one in particular, that he had a young daughter upstairs and could they please be careful with the door. Ever since then, the basement door would open, and then slowly shut on its own.

16. “SHHHHHH!”

When I was about 12 and started getting left alone at home, something used to shush me. I’d be pouring cereal, singing along to the TV and suddenly, “shhhhhhh!”. First time it happened I absolutely crapped myself and didn’t say a word until someone came home. I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. I’d even start to convince myself it was just my imagination but then it would happen again. I think it happened about 5 or 6 times.

One Saturday morning I was in my top bunk, the beds were super noisy and the slightest of moves would result in them creaking.


I thought it was my younger sister and decided to annoy her further. I started rocking about in my bunk making as much noise as I possibly could and suddenly


I chuckled, still thinking it was my sister, and then she whispered nervously from below “.. Was that you? The shushing, was that you?”

I popped my head down and said “no, it was you”. She looked terrified, her eyes welled up with tears and she said “no it wasn’t”. She ran out of the room crying and wouldn’t come back in for a long time. I realised it must have been the shushy ghost and was overcome with relief that I wasn’t crazy because someone else had actually bloody heard it.

Haven’t heard it since. I’m always kind of waiting.


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