Ted Pillow

Disney’s “The Story of Menstruation” Video

I hope I can talk about this bizarre cartoon without coming across as a stereotypical male regarding menstruation, i.e. as confused and frightened by the intricacies of the female body, visibly cringing at the mere mention of words like “period” or “tampon.”

A Guide To Going Out On Thanksgiving Eve

The night typically concludes with a few selections from a series of venerable traditions: the always enjoyable Throwing Up Inside the Purse, the classic Wandering Away from Friends and Passing Out in a Bush, the dramatic Heated Argument with a Friend Over Something That Happened Six Years Ago, the Making Out with a Blurry-Faced Person Who May or May Not be Crying, and the Ravaging of the Wendy’s Number 6 Combo Meal (Lettuce Only).

Thoughts On The Brink of Armageddon

It’s like that old cliché: when you run out of all other topics, the last resort of those trapped in an awkward conversation is to ask, “So, how about this weather we’ve been having?”