Tatiana Pérez
18 Ways I Don’t Want You To Prove Your Masculinity To Me
Guess what, boo? I didn’t want to bang you before you cracked that dude’s head against a wall, and I sure as fuck do not wanna drop trou now.
18 Tiny Life Moments That Made You Feel Grown AF When You Were A Little Girl
Carrying a little purse that was completely unnecessary because it had nothing in it.
10 Traumatic (But Also Defining) Mother-Daughter Moments Every Woman Will Relate To
When you realize you sound exactly like her.
17 Very Real Struggles Every Second Semester Senior In College Is Experiencing Right Now
You’re grappling with the idea that you can’t just like…skip work. Unlike class. Wtf.
17 Ways Women Who Wear All Black Are #Blessed
Nothing jars basic bitches like a queen in all black.
It’s Not Always Easy To Be Happy, And That’s Okay
We expect people to be happy. And when they’re unhappy, we assume they’re doing something wrong.
‘Are You On Your Period?’ And 9 Other Dumb Things You Should Never Say When Your Girlfriend’s Pissed
Yes, boo. I was always this crazy.
Why I’m Quitting Adderall Once And For All
I crack a pill in half and let it slide down my throat with some blue Gatorade. And just like that, I’m back.
12 Subtle Compliments Guys Give That Are Actually Way Better Than The Outright Ones
“You make me feel like a kid.”
17 Unmistakable Signs You’re Dealing With Residual Catholic Guilt
Masturbating still kinda feels like stroking the devil’s paw.
I Don’t Write For You (But Damn, Am I Happy You Hate Me)
If your friend didn’t want me to write poorly of him—if he wanted me to pen sweet somethings that reflected all his niceness with poetic splendor—then he shouldn’t have fucked with me.
25 Things I Want For My Little Brother (Even On The Days I Can’t Stand Him)
The courage to do what makes him happy, not what makes him seem manly.
I Love You Because I Can’t Have All Of You
If every time I called, you answered, you’d silence the sweet dizzy of your uncertain hello.
15 Gifts Under $20 For The College Crew That’s Ballin’ On A Budget
Gold rolling papers. Duh.
10 Little Known Facts About Will Smith And ‘The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’
Smith owed the government $2.8 million prior to filming.
This Is My ‘Fuck You’ To White Male Privilege
He was fascinated by me. He approached me with the kind of arrogant ease that most white phalluses do.
‘I’m So Hammered Right Now’ And 9 Other Ways No College Guy Should Ever Start A Conversation With A Woman
You drank 32 beers tonight and have boot ’n rallied twice already……and my panties haven’t already dropped for u??! CHRIST, WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?
13 Things Every Senior In College Is Too Damn Old For
Crippling FOMO.