Tatiana Pérez

You Are No One In Particular

As a Hispanic woman with some social capital at a small, preppy, elite college, I’m expected to retire my thorny convictions when the watery beer starts flowing.

To The College Students Who Don’t Consider Themselves Feminists

How do you function under the conviction that you’re not as socially, politically, and economically valuable as a man? Again, I’m not dramatic; I’m incensed that you enjoy the civil rights recently afforded to our sex and, yet, turn your back on the principles they defend.

You Don’t Need Another Friend

Derek has had a crush on Katie for nine months now. That’s a full-grown fetus of laying groundwork for a date, or a kiss, or maybe just some impassioned eye contact. They do homework together.

College Freshmen Beware Of “The Bar”

The Bar—that lone tavern in the sprawling metropolis that is your college town—is a thing of intrigue. Even for a native New Yorker accustomed to passing by watering holes on every block, the bar at a small school manages to harness a surprising amount of mystique.