Tasnim Ahmed

The 8 Rules Of Modern Dating

Wait some time before you start following your date on social media platforms — allow for a connection, chemistry, a mutual understanding of each other on a personal and real level before you take it to the internet.

Why We Want Love

We want love because we want to be understood, because we have been misunderstood for so long and we are so tired of being the only ones to understand ourselves.

10 Things Every Freelancer Should Know

When freelancing, you are often faced with the dilemma of having to do something that you don’t want to do, nothing morally opposing, but something that makes you feel like you need to compromise your truest self and you are forced to come out of your comfort-zone.

How To Cheat On The Person You Love

This is not about sex; this is about you, it is the resentment you feel toward yourself, like a despicable cancer spreading through your body, like a disease that must now be put to its death.

On Going Home

All conversations with your father a monosyllabic; there are not enough words for what your mother has to tell you. She is fourteen again, a gossiping teen. No, she is just lonely.

On Having A Difficult Name

Like an apology that is extended, I say, “You can call me Taznim; it’s easier to pronounce. You can call me anything that is easy for you.”

Why Little Girls Starve Themselves

It began at thirteen, breakfasts hidden in desk drawers, flushed down the toilet, and, when the toilet had backed up, its pipes blocked by bananas and boiled eggs and buttered slices of toast and so much cereal and so much…

The Definitive Guide To Mardi Gras

The key to a successful trip is the least amount of sleep. A total of four hours of sleep prior to leaving is a good amount. Take the earliest flight out. 6:30 in the morning is a good time.