40 Small And Fool-Proof New Year’s Resolutions
Respond to texts promptly. “Sorry, I didn’t get your message” is not a valid excuse.
By Tasnim Ahmed
New Year’s resolutions are always intimidating. Walk across the Atlantic in under three hours. Learn seven languages. Remember to do laundry in a timely manner. Fulfill your life’s potential by New Year’s day. Eat thirteen sandwiches in an hour. You see what I mean? And despite the plethora of lists we make before D-day (to some of us known as the New Year), how many of our goals do we really accomplish, how many of them are realistic? So here’s a fool-proof, non-scary and the least-bit-intimidating set of New Year’s resolutions for simply becoming a better person. The goal 2015? Just be better.
- Wake up to watch the sun rise, once in a blue moon.
- Stay awake till sunrise, once in a blue moon.
- Make the bed more than two times a week. Be so bold as to make the bed five days a week.
- File taxes ahead of or on time to avoid otherwise obligatory tweets and Facebook posts about last-minute tax filing.
- Make a concerted effort to have a clean set of underwear at all times.
- Make a concerted effort to wear clean underwear at most times.
- Find out what “taxes” and “filing taxes” actually means.
- Allow to be distracted by social media only once every hour, in five minute stretches.
- Don’t set exorbitant goals (see #8)
- Stop to take in the beauty and grace of a moment instead of pulling out phone for a photo-op.
- Wear matching socks, even if a fashion trend should encourage otherwise.
- Respond to emails within a week of receiving them.
- Respond to texts promptly. “Sorry, I didn’t get your message” is not a valid excuse.
- Make time for best friends near and far.
- Don’t be afraid to make new friends.
- When in the wrong, sing, dance or perform a magic trick that is apology-themed. Just saying “I’m sorry” is so 2014.
- Let the past stay in the past.
- Speak to parents in a calm and dignified manner, even if they are being the worst, unless you wish for them to treat you like a baby well into your 40s.
- But also, tell your parents you love them, regardless of whether they are the best or the worst.
- And also, tell those you love that you love them, every single day.
- Henceforth, stop making resolutions to go to the gym. Just stop it.
- Check bank account statements daily, not when the credit card has been declined.
- Pay all bills by the 5th of each month, not when the collectors come after you.
- Try to maintain a humble credit score.
- Always, always, always remember to flush the toilet in public (looking at you, people who don’t feel inclined to do this…)
- Jump out from behind a bush, as the phrase implicitly suggests.
- Read all those books you’ve “been meaning to read.”
- When a person talks of a book or an author you have never heard of/have no interest in, do not feel obligated to say, “I’ve been meaning to read XYZ author/book.”
- Eat lunch before 4pm.
- Eat breakfast before 4pm.
- Eat tamales for breakfast more frequently.
- Disconnect yourself from anything that requires charge – phone, laptop, computer, television – for one hour every day.
- Spend one hour every day re-charging. Write limericks, read an article, practice backflips, paint, stare off into space or a wall or out the window.
- Learn from misfortune instead of simply wallowing and forgetting.
- Pick one childhood pastime – jumping rope, hopscotch, video games, building Legos, napping – and do it with some regularity.
- Dance the duration of one song, daily.
- Spend time at a cafe/bar/restaurant alone without any embarrassment or fear of being judged, only happy and content.
- Be happy where your happiness is due.
- Be brave.
- Stop to watch more sunsets.
image – Leanne Surfleet