This Is Why Your Late 20s Are So Intense, According To Astrology
If you pass this rite of passage well, your life gains solid foundations, and you reap the fruits of your hard work.
Sylvia Salow
We reach true adulthood when we turn 30 years old. Astrology talks about this milestone as a Saturn Retrograde, as it takes about 29 years for Saturn to orbit the Sun and return to its initial position as it was in the moment of your birth.
When we are between 28 and 30 years old, the energies in our lives gets intense.
More profound thoughts show up on your mind, and you begin to ponder what you want to make out of your life. You investigate what kinds of relationships you tolerate, be it a friendship or romantic relationship. It’s the time to get serious about your life and dive under the surface.
When we’re in our early 20s, life is about exploring the world, partners, options, jobs, or hobbies. It’s the right time to get curious and try out as many experiences as you wish.
Then as you approach the closing of this crucial decade, the main focus shifts from looking for the next shiny object into getting real with yourself.
Around the age 28-30 (though for some people it can start earlier), your soul is asking you to get a more mature role and rethink all your activities and relationships. Astrologically speaking, the energy of Saturn that plays a significant role in your life asks you to re-evaluate past lessons and see whether you had truly mastered them.
During the transition to adulthood, you see everything clearly, which may cause some hiccups as you recognize that you may have to let go of certain relationships or pursue a new life calling. It requires you to get honest with how you want to continue living your life.
If you pass this rite of passage well, your life gains solid foundations, and you reap the fruits of your hard work. However many people tend to resist this intense energy, and they make it more challenging for themselves than it already is.
If you don’t want to get real with yourself, then you’ll undergo more tests and challenges to wake you up. The energy of resisting will bring up shadow aspects like depression if you don’t feel ready to follow your life purpose. You may find yourself envious of other people for their careers and for being on the right track.
If you’re in a relationship, you’ll start to have more raw conversations with your partner, and your partnership may even be put to the test to help you determine whether you’re right for one another.
If you’re single, you may say goodbye to a certain kind of person you used to date because you begin to realize that they while they may make life more exciting for a while, they’re not emotionally available to you, and you stop tolerating such behavior.
It’s beneficial to take it one step at a time when you’re in this transition. Humble yourself enough to do the work and don’t expect some magic pills to deliver you the career of your dreams without commitment and effort.
The energy wants you to get responsible for your actions and to help you realize that you have all the power you need to create the life you want.
When you become committed to your true heart’s desires and redirect your life when needed, then you’ll be rewarded after the transition ends. This rite of passage into true adulthood will make you realize that you’re a creator of your life, and it’s in your power to shape it to your likeness.