10 Powerful Reminders For Anyone Who Feels Like Life Sucks Right Now

Life will always be a balance of the good and the bad.


1. You will be okay soon. Whatever season the universe is putting you through exists for some underlying reason that you just have to live through and discover before you can get out. But you will get out.

2. You are strong. You are brave. You make the effort to get up every single day and try. Trying, again and again, is more courageous than to try once and win.

3.  It’s okay to not feel okay. It’s okay to accept your emotions as they are and to allow yourself the space to feel them. Be patient with how you feel.

4.  As hard as it can be to pay attention to the bigger picture right now, your entire life does not suck. A piece of it might, a day or a week or a month of it might be hard and frustrating. But one bad chapter does not equate to an entirely bad life.

5. The only person who can make things better for you is you. The only person who can make you feel better, truly better, is you. You do not need anyone to save you when you can save yourself with everything you have inside of you.

6. Life will always be a balance of the good and the bad. You’ve gone through tough times before. You’ve also had some great times before too.

7. To accept this truth is to break free from the control life has over you. Instead, you will live with the freedom of knowing that each moment counts, and you control how you react to them.

8. Nothing in life is permanent. Change is the only constant you can count on. These not so great times won’t last forever.

9. Honestly, sometimes when things aren’t going your way, it’s a sign from the universe that something needs to change. Do some self-reflection and try to figure out what that is.

10. As much as it sucks for life to suck, sometimes you must pull the weeds in order to get to the flowers. Thought Catalog Logo Mark