Steven Ray Morris
Articles by
Steven Ray Morris
This Is The Real Character Of Claire Dearing From ‘Jurassic World’
In cinema, corporate culture and workaholics are easy scapegoats, but she’s doing her best while dealing with an unprecedented situation (the park has already been open for ten years without trouble).
5 All Time Favorite Lesley Gore Songs That Prove She’s Worth Listening To
The Golden Hits Of Lesley Gore didn’t leave my car for the entirety of 2010. “It’s My Party” of course rocketed Gore to fame, and “You Don’t Own Me” locked her into the history books, but her catalog is rich and definitely worth a closer look.
5 Ways To Make Your Next Trip To The Zoo Even More Incredible
It’s a chance to witness animals from all the corners of the planet and be humbled by the opportunity of seeing something so marvelous outside the norm of our everyday hustle. It’s an acknowledgement that this world is much bigger than you or I.
Could Jurassic World Be The First True Sequel To Jurassic Park?
Feeling Empowered Into Adulthood
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is not easy.
6 Upcoming Spring Records Worth Getting Excited About Right Now
Get your headphones ready.
The Real Reason There Won’t Be Feathers In Jurassic World
There’s a more complex reason to why our dinosaur pals are sticking to 1993 mode, scaly sheen and all.
The Pop Humanity Of Taylor Swift’s “1989”
In picking up this record I didn’t need to know the messy details of her life to relate I have plenty of details to fill in on my own.
On Congo, Kitsch and Being The Rap Game Laura Linney
At Frank & Son’s, a veritable Mos Eisley for nerdy collectibles in Pomona, California, vendors hawk everything from Star Wars action figures, Pokémon cards, moth-ridden Beanie Babies, bootleg anime, paintball guns and more.
Dave Chappelle’s Surprise Visit
I suddenly felt shocked and confused. Chappelle has always been a progressive and intelligent voice in the comedy community, but it seems like he had ventured into “Grandpa’s Story Time” with these antiquated views.
5 Things I Learned When I Moved In With My Girlfriend
When you see your partner’s personal messiness it can be off-putting at first, but remember, you are used to your own slovenly habits.
Why You Should Write A Novel This November
Starting November 1st you have thirty days to write 50,000 words. That’s it. No excuses. Are you ready to dive in?