Stephanie White

5 Questions I Have For My Barista

You remembered the guy’s name in front of me and the chick behind me, but when it’s my turn to order and you pull out that black sharpie to scribble my name across the cup, you look at me with that blank stare of yours.

An Open Letter To PMS

And honestly, I’m totally fine with surfing the crimson wave for 5-7 days each month, but why must each period week be accompanied by a week of pregaming?! WHY GOD WHY.

Inner Monologue Of A Spin Class Student

Is this Destiny’s Child?! SAY MY NAME. Throwbaaaaaack. I approve. Are we climbing a hill now? Bring it on. Let’s climb five hills in a row. I don’t even care. This song is everything.

Reasons Why Apple Store Employees Would Make The Best Boyfriends Ever

The moment you step foot into an Apple store, you are bombarded with a bunch nerdy dudes named like “Steve” or “Dan” dressed in blue tee shirts and beyond eager to assist you. They genuinely want to know how your day is going and how THEY can make it better. IS THIS A DREAM?

Going To The Movies Alone Doesn’t Have To Suck

You don’t feel like wearing jeans? You don’t feel like wearing pants in general? Well unless you’re looking to impress the 15-year-old dude working the snack counter, then you don’t need to worry about your movie ensemble.

10 Signs You’ve Actually Lost Your Mind

It’s Friday night and you’re eating tofu in the Whole Foods parking lot. Standing up. Over the hood of your car. Nothing about this feels strange or pathetic to you.

How To Leave

Drown in your fear a little bit. Let yourself feel smothered by it, let your mind take you places, and let yourself feel outside of your body. Give yourself as much time as you need.

5 Reasons I Want To Move Back In With My Parents

I can’t find that all purpose tool/gadget thing you guys gave me when I moved out and into the real world. You know the one with the scissors and screw driver and, like, seven other tools I’ve never used before? I think it’s stored somewhere in my desk.

Ways Your Crush Will Crush You

He’ll admit that one beer is all it takes. He’ll tell you that his facial hair still comes in patchy. He’ll say he’s intimidated by you and you won’t believe him for a second.