This 16-Year-Old Made A Browser Add-On That Shows A Politician’s Top Financial Contributors

screenshot of Greenhouse in action via

Nicholas Rubin, a 16-year-old self taught programmer, created a browser add-on called Greenhouse that lets you know who where a politician is getting all their money. The add-on highlights a lawmaker’s name within a news story right in your browser and the user is then able to bring up a box showing the lawmaker’s campaign contributors simply by hovering their cursor over the highlighted name.

“It is my hope that providing increased transparency around the amount and source of funding of our elected representatives may play a small role in educating citizens and promoting change. If you use the extension when reading about a Congressional vote on energy policy, for example, maybe you’ll discover that a sponsor of a bill has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the oil and gas industry. Or maybe you’ll learn that the top donors to a member of Congress who opposes tort reform are lawyers and law firms. I use the totals from the last full election cycle (generally 2011-12 for Representatives and 2007-12 for Senators) because it is the most complete. I also provide access to the most up-to-date 2014 data on by clicking on the name of the member of Congress in the popup. Data in the popup will be updated later in this election cycle as 2014 contributions are more complete. Special thanks to for providing access to the data.

The motto of Greenhouse is: “Some are red. Some are blue. All are green.” What it signifies is that the influence of money on our government isn’t a partisan issue. Whether Democrat or Republican, we should all want a political system that is independent of the influence of big money and not dependent on endless cycles of fundraising from special interests. The United States of America was founded to serve individuals, not big interests or big industries. Yet every year we seem to move farther and farther away from our Founders’ vision.”

“Even though I am only 16 years old, not quite old enough to vote, I am old enough to know that our political system desperately needs fixing. I hope that this tool is one step in that direction.”

Get it at this link. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

image – Greenhouse

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Stephanie Shepard

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