Stephanie Karina

Romantic Functions

Everyone else had already gone to bed, but we stayed up, sitting on the stoop in front of your apartment. It had started to drizzle, lightly.

16 Rules Of Modern Friendship

11. They are allowed to do whatever they please on their birthday, and you are a Debra (which is worse than a simple Debbie Downer) if you say otherwise.

The Toxicity Of Competition

We will never be fully happy with ourselves if we go through the motions of life as if it were a competition. If we think about it in those terms, we will quickly learn that we aren’t ever going to be able to win.

The Term White Girl Is Effing Dumb

A friend and I were walking to a class we had together the other day when some comment I made caused him to slow his steps, turn to me, and declare, “You are such a white girl.”

8 Ways To Show Your Boyfriend You Love Him

Whenever a girl who could be a potential threat (read: all of them) posts on his Facebook profile, send a passive-aggressive like her way just so you can, you know, mark your territory via social media.