Stephanie Casella

Lover of thought and communication. Writer. Politico. Strategist.

Your Echo Chamber May Seem Safe, But It Isn’t Roomy

This lesson in human behavior is crucial in understanding how to properly operate in society: those who scarcely allow opinions beyond the inceptive to proverbially “sink in” often neglect many other opportunities for scrutiny, and so one can easily navigate around them.

How We Can Actually Help Exploited Nail Salon Workers

The New York Times report discovered through interviews with over 150 nail salon workers and owners over a thirteen month period that a tremendous number of these people are paid below minimum wage, or not paid at all.

We Don’t Have It All; We Don’t Have To

We are taught to focus on ourselves and spend time only with those who matter because life is short and abrupt and can end at any time. Yet, this advice discounts all of the interesting, bizarre, and wonderful encounters we will have with others and through the stories of those we do not yet know.

A Couple Of Issues With Third Wave Feminism

Part of equality is behaving as equals, and if we continually place all blame on the patriarchy for our problems, we will do ourselves no service, as well as cease in any sort of advancement. Half of this is our battle as individuals — as humans.