Stephanie Casella
Lover of thought and communication. Writer. Politico. Strategist.
How I Stopped Viewing Big As Unattractive
Still, is it not exhausting to continuously hear the “conventionally unattractive” justifying their bodies? Is it necessary for people to repeatedly criticize them for “promoting obesity” when they are simply asking for respect as humans?
Can We Stop Saying Women Are Lying When They’re Wearing Makeup?
The crux of this issue is when society approves particular changes to women’s bodies, they are acceptable, but when women decide to take their appearances into their own hands, especially in an unconventional way, out fly the accusations of deception, lies, manipulation, and immorality.
20 People Reveal What They Think Happens After Death
While none of us has the answers, our responses may speak to the types of lives we lead.
Stop Using American Symbols To Prove Your Point
Our Declaration, our Constitution, and our flag are symbols that stand for our entire nation…They do not exist to represent a small portion of us.
Well, This Was Expected: Feminists Lambaste Ronda Rousey
Are they really upset that she hasn’t the knowledge of a person who has endured a transition or who has done extensive research on the matter?
How To Avoid Missing Romantic Opportunities
People coil themselves so tightly into exquisitely fitted ideas of attraction to a person that they forget to know a person.
Jeb Bush Thinks Americans Need To Work More
In a recent interview with New Hampshire’s Union Leader, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush offered his most ingenious solution to the United States’ income inequality dilemma: “people need to work longer hours and through their productivity gain more income for…
Read This If You Want To Know What To Do With Your Existence
We should find our purpose both fulfilling to ourselves and in some way to others. This balance is likely the same for everyone, but does it mean we each internally harbor the same purpose?
Why So Many “Professional” Photographs Turn Out Awful
I have always enjoyed aesthetic, but found there are far too many photographers permeating the industry who assume that females are to be shot in a sexual fashion.
Caitlyn Jenner Owes Nobody An Explanation
She can operate on her own, as she has proven time and again, and she does not need our approval or our proverbial pats on the back.
Why Our Intentions Are More Important Than We Think
Living a life of consideration and good intention is something just that: intentional. We are not good by accident; we are good on purpose. If we do not make the effort, despite our ignorance, and despite our missteps, we are neither considerate, nor well-intended individuals.
The 12 Stages Of Skydiving
Any last words? Why do they ask us this? Is this a legal requirement? Why do I need to tell you my last words? Do I get a last meal?