4 Ways To Help Your Body Transition Into Spring, As Told By An Acupuncturist

Getting the body moving is essential for removing stagnation and stuck energies in the body.


Spring is synonymous with growth, renewal, rebirth and awakening. The earth has been in slumber, tucked away like a bear in hibernation, slowing down, rooting into stillness, a period of rest.

Nature begins to bud, spring forth and create ripples of energetic movement into creation, as do our human bodies.

This is a time of year many of us will begin to feel more energized and rejuvenated. It’s a time for creating new ideas and planting seeds in our lives to cultivate new projects and plans.

In Chinese medicine, springtime is associated with the wood element, the liver and gallbladder, and meridian systems.

The energetics of the wood element and liver organ system is direct and focused.

If the energy of the gallbladder is that of initiation of an idea (like the planting of the seed), the energy of the liver is the movement forward, dedication to growth, perseverance to pierce the seed and shoot forth through the earth towards the sky.

Dynamic movement and growth.

If something gets in the way of this forward trajectory, we can often see patterns of irritation, frustration and anger.

It is a time to keep things moving smoothly without getting stuck or stagnated, which blocks the expansion and creates friction.

We can honor this energy of spring time through the following 4 ways:

1. Exercise

Getting the body moving is essential for removing stagnation and stuck energies in the body. If you have been taking it slower over the winter, now is a good time to increase activity intensity. Based on the meridian pathways of the liver and gallbladder, twists in yoga, hula hooping, side stretching and dance can be effective ways of getting things circulating, especially in the side of the chest, shoulders and neck.

2. Eat your greens

Green is the color of springtime. As you look around your environment, you will likely see more buds and leaves sprouting.

Leafy greens, especially with a slightly bitter flavor, are a great way to help detox the liver—think dandelion greens, asparagus, artichoke, radish, bok choy, celery, and nettle.

3. Honoring this season of transition

Spring is a transition period—it’s almost like you have one foot still in winter and one foot stepping forward into summer.

Remembering to dress warmly and keep your body and immune system protected to honor what has been while stepping forward and preparing for the new. This is not the time to jump into salads, cold juices and smoothies. Steaming your greens, having a roasted vegetable salad, and making a blended soup topped with some light arugula will better help your body adjust.

4. Book a bodywork treatment

The season of transition can be challenging for some. Change can stir up resistance in the physical and emotional body, but bodywork can help that move through.

An acupuncturist can help move stuck energy in the body and strengthen your body’s immune system. A massage therapist can help flush out toxins left in the skin, fascia and muscles of the body. Adding a sauna or steam after your treatment can help the body purge any old accumulations that have built up in the bodies tissues. Thought Catalog Logo Mark