Stacey Becker

The 8 Worst Breakups In TV History

Carrie was a pretty rotten girlfriend to one of the greatest guys in the show’s history. Yes, we all knew she belonged with Mr. Big, but why did she have to torture Aidan?

9 Unlucky Things That Are Fun To Fantasize Happening To Your Ex

Although you may be back to your happy former self, it’s generally acceptable to fantasize about several extremely annoying, though not fatal, circumstances that your ex might find themselves in. If you’re having trouble visualizing something satisfying, you can try these on for size.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Get A Puppy Before Having A Baby

A puppy and a newborn almost guarantee that nobody in your household will sleep consistently for months. The dog makes you more at the ready for those late night feedings and stretches your capacity for patience beyond anything you ever dreamed imaginable.

10 Foolproof Ways To Get Rid Of A House Crasher

Tell them that the plumbing isn’t working. You’ve been using your neighbor’s bathroom and showering at the gym. If they don’t believe you and show up anyway, stop flushing the toilets.